Automated Regression Testing Tool for Dynamics 365

Executive Automats' advanced features will help you speed up regression testing even in highly customized and integrated environments.

Why you should automate regression testing?

Regression testing automation significantly improves your software quality and protects critical business processes due to better test coverage. Microsoft Dynamics 365 One Version strategy provides several major releases a year that must be tested before deployment. Thus, no regression testing strategy in place can, in a long run, be more costly than investment in automated testing tools.
100% codeless, ready to start in
1 hour
record-and-play solution
2-10 minutes to create complete test case
Automatic process documentation
Don’t fix bugs
later; fix them now
Steve Maguire
famous software engineer and author

Regression tests
– when should you run then?

Regression tests can be run at any stage of software/ system development. Deciding when to run regression tests has huge impact on the functionality of the entire system. Most users tend to perform them after introducing some changes/ after a release or a new system build.
scenarios where we would use regression tests:
Changes in the requirement of an existing feature.
Addition of new feature
Bug fixes
Software update/ upgrade
Performance fixes
How to perform regression tests?
Regression testing is a complicated and multi-layered process that entails specific planning. Depending on the purpose of testing, you might want to implement a different approach and methodology.
However, regardless of employed strategy and preferred methodology, with an automatic testing tool there is a couple of essential steps that testing process defines as follows:
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preparing scripts: on the basis of the description of the requirements, regression testing scripts are built. Further on, they can also be re-used as a basis for functional tests, too.
re-using scripts: ready scripts are used to build regression test suites. They collect test scenarios prepared beforehand (see step 1). Regression test suites can be based e.g. on functional or integration tests.
systematic regression tests execution: we recommend running regression tests on a regular basis, according to a pre-defined schedule (e.g. before every new release/ build of the software, etc.)
Regression testing with Executive Automats  
– force of numbers
Stats and results are always the most telling argument, especially when discussing testing. Why? Because they show the practical side and prove more than theory itself. We have crunched some numbers for you when it comes to regression testing performed with Executive Automats tool:
this is how
much time
you save when it comes to actual testing as compared with other automatic tools
this is the
minimum test
for end-to-end business processes within a company
this is the how
many manual
test cases
can be converted to automated ones using Executive Automats
no-code testing
Recorder, Player and Script editor require zero coding experience
Ease of setup and installation
Low(requires tech support and own research)
Ready in 1 hour
(delivery in 1 hour with dedicated training)
Ease of creation and modification of scripts
(manual files handling; low scripts reusability)
Ready in 1 hour
(everything in single workspace)
Average time to create and run a simple automated test ("happy path")
5-10 minutes
2-3 minutes
Mass scripts re-configuration
(redirect your entire regression test to another enviorment)
(only one environment, users and data sets can be changed in excel file
Fully available
Use of internal API to integrate testing solution with outher platforms
Not available
(own API for integrations)
Basic SSRS Report testing
Not available
Detailed execution history analysis
(PowerBI dashboards, DEvOPS, EA summary)
Capturing and storing files generated through the test case
Not available
(files are stored in the execution history)
Test script statuses (to help your team collaborate on test case execution and creation)
(DevOps only)
(in DevOps and scripts)

Executive Automats functionalities – learn the ropes of your
regression testing

Generally speaking, regression tests can be run at any stage of software/ system development. Deciding when to run regression tests has huge impact on the functionality of the entire system. Most users tend to perform them after introducing some changes/ after a release or a new system build.
Advanced Recorder
Executive Automats allows very practical test recordings. Contrary to other automatic testing tools, with Advanced Recorder you can introduce any modifications on the fly, without the need to play back the recording for verification. This results in improved efficiency of your regression testing.
Process documentation creator
In Executive Automats, every test script is based on the actual business process. That is why out of the recordings, you can easily extract and prepare business process documentation. Whenever business process changes, you can swiftly update your documentation with just one click.
Test Scheduler:
you can schedule test scripts as well as complex test projects from one place. Executive Automats enables to plan and execute tests and also monitor the results.
Full and secure integration with Azure DevOps
Executive Automats gives you a possibility to execute regression tests automatically via Azure DevOps, with the Test Plans module and to integrate testing solution with other platforms via internal API. You can also create Azure DevOps Tasks in case of any test issues or based on test results for enhanced test plan management and test coverage. For selected regression test issues, you can set up specific e-mail notifications.

Top 5 regression test automation
solved with Executive Automats

Test automation with the right tool is an obligatory part of testing strategy of mature companies. Let’s have a look at 5 main questions that clients have when it comes to using automated testing tools for Microsoft Dynamics 365.
Top 5 test automation concers in microsoft dynamics 365
It’s too complicated and not worth time & money when comparing to manual testing

With D365, frequent updates require regular software (regression) testing. EA offers a reliable solution for minimizing time spent on regression testing. Built-in functionalities allow efficient scheduling, maintenance and execution of regression tests. It is also necessary to mention that manual regression testing is very costly, even with minimal number of updates per year. With our ROI calculator, we can show you precisely that costs related to adopting and maintenance of Executive Automats are significantly lower than manual regression testing.

We need one decent solution for codeless D365 and D365 integration testing

Companies using multiple modules and applications under D365 might want to benefit from one, reliable tool for testing. Executive Automats is an answer to those demands as it can be used for almost all web-based platforms. Even with new and more complex platforms, we are able to build new rules to cover additional functionalities, etc.

We want to re-use functional test scenarios for performance testing

Executive Automats enables user to record all the test scripts so that can be re-used later on, not only for regression tests. The scripts can be applied as a basis for multiple performance testing scenarios.

Precise test reports and process documentation is a must

Executive Automats allow each user to record any test case. Those can be later on edited, collated and modified accordingly into larger test scenarios which may cover business operations regardless of area or division of organisation. Due to the fact that each scenario is recorded, it can be then re-used multiple times and also converted into step-by-step process instructions using the documentation mode, also with additional user comments. In this way, apart from regression testing in the analysis phase end users might benefit from the recorded tests, e.g. during the onboarding procedure, as user manual or audit materials.

We are not sure when and how to start

Our expertise in multiple projects allows us to deliver not only the Executive Automats tool but also offer services of testers and consultants who are able to provide ready tests for the clients as well as help them prepare those specific tests. A lot of companies who used to work with AX 2012 are likely to have troubles with testing strategy/ running actual regression tests/ bulk of work as regression test cycles were not so frequently required. Our knowledge and methodology guarantee that we approach test automation with maximum efficiency and minimum effort on your part.


Pulawska 435A St. Light House
02-801 Warsaw, POLAND

Magdalena Ginel
International Sales Executive
Mateusz Lisiecki
International Sales Executive
Mariusz Walter
International Sales Executive

Get in touch

Feel free to get in touch with us. We are more than glad to discuss your needs.